The concept of yogas in Vedic Astrology


One of the fascinating differences between Jyotish (Vedic) Astrology and Western Astrology is the concept of astrological yogas. No, I don’t mean rolling out your foam mat and wearing your Lululemon stretch pants. In this case, yoga means “yoke”; in context it means “yokes of destiny”. These yogas, or “yokes of destiny” are specific planetary combinations with certain planets, with certain house rulerships in certain positional relationships to one another.

Deciphering yogas is quite complicated and very specific, but the results are amazing! Certain planetary combinations, for example, will lead one to become famous almost regardless of anything else. Other combinations will make one a fantastic artist. Have you ever wondered why some people who seem to have little talent see their songs top the charts, while other people with all the talent in the world are never discovered? It’s because the former have fame yogas and the latter have musical talent yogas. Discovering the power of the yoga system in astrology is one of the many reasons I fell in love with Jyotish.


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